Mytec Hydraclamp -
Pioneer of seal-less hydraulic expansion technology

Mytec Präzisionswerkzeuge GmbH was founded in 1985 in Kreuzwertheim and has been a member of the EMUGE-FRANKEN group of companies since 2012. For almost forty years, we have been wholeheartedly committed to seal-less, hydraulic expansion technology.
Our core competence is the design and manufacture of hydraulic clamping devices for machining highly complex components for aircraft, helicopters and turbines.
Mytec builds the precise bridges between the machines and the customer workpieces.

In our company, manufacturing and technology departments are in constant professional exchange. Technical competence and practical experience provide solutions for workpiece clamping of the highest quality in terms of accuracy and durability.
The high vertical range of manufacture with our own vacuum hardening shop at the Marktheidenfeld site enables seamless control of the entire manufacturing process. This is the basis for the long service life and consistently high quality of HYDRA expansion tools. We are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Our clamping devices enable shortening of production times because the manufactured workpieces achieve a special quality and a high degree of accuracy, so that further work steps can be omitted.
Hydraulic expansion technology already meets the requirements of tomorrow. The more precise the components for drives are manufactured, the more ecological the end products will be. Hydraulic expansion technology is used to manufacture gears and engines that last longer and consume less energy.